The problem is that during the winter it has increased so much that it has got out of hand cause all the snowmobiles and snow coaches are coming and it has go so busy so.There is like 140,000 people per season and since there is so much people there is alot of noise and aie polution.
if you limit the number of snow mobiles it would no be as crouded
Pros and Cons
it will be no so busy but some people may want to come to the park but it is limited.
I choose this one cause if you limit the number it will not be as crowded it will not be so loud not alot of air polution in the air more bigger ones will be able to go. and you may may have faculties and maybe availabilitys and so services but the most important thing is that they need to limit ir cause if it get to much or way out of hand you could have wrecks or all that stuff you may have to decresase the animals if alot of people come but if there are alot u could maybe hit or scare the animals away and they would never come back to the or there habitat so you always want to decreaese the people of coming and prtect the envoriment.
Elle Mcbroom is well known because she is a kid of Austin and Catherine Mcbroom and they are famous youtubers and famouse in some other ways.her physical characteristics are brown hair,brown eyes,and she looks so much like her momma.The reason i picked her was because she is so sweet and never rude to anyone.Her bestie or good friend would probaly say that she is so smart for a 2 year old. we are alike cause i like snapchat,insta,candy and brown eyes,we are different because she is a little girl and funny and i am a big girl and not that funny.I found out some info. as i watched her viedos that she is so famous and a youtuber with her parents. Elle Mcbroom bio,facts and fam